Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT

Embodiment: A Path to Healing From Trauma

Imagining with your five senses, you can paint a multidimensional picture that transforms your reality. It’s a simple yet powerful technique that you can do anywhere, anytime. You don’t need any special equipment or WiFi. Being able to engage your healing practice without reliance on any external object is the ultimate in self-empowerment.

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Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT

Cultivating Resource with the Five Senses

Imagining with your five senses, you can paint a multidimensional picture that transforms your reality. It’s a simple yet powerful technique that you can do anywhere, anytime. You don’t need any special equipment or WiFi. Being able to engage your healing practice without reliance on any external object is the ultimate in self-empowerment.

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Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT

Why Self-Love Isn’t Easy After Trauma (And Why That’s Okay)

I’m so tired of hearing, “Just love yourself.” As though it should be effortless. Well meaning teachers sometimes don’t know how hard it is and as a result, we can feel triggered, angry, or defeated. This blog will help you understand why it’s so hard and what you can do about it.

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Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT Jeanette Conery, C-IAYT

Increasing Heart Rate Variability to Heal From Chronic Stress and PTSD

Yoga is proven by many studies to increase your heart rate variability, a marker of resilience and resistance to stress and disease. People with chronic stress and PTSD have been found to have low Heart Rate Variability (HRV), and benefit from somatic yoga therapy.

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